Amend Canon XVII (Licensing) to Clarify that Licenses May be Granted to Bishops, Priests and Deacons Ordained in The Anglican Church of Canada or a Church in Full Communion with The Anglican Church of Canada
Motion to amend: — PASSED Strike item #2 and #3 from the motion: Add section 5 a.1)No bishop shall issue a license or temporary permission except to a person who has been validly ordained and is in good standing as a bishop, priest or deacon in The Anglican Church of Canada or a church in […]
Amend Canon V (Archives)
on the no-debate list
Amend Canon III to Extend Term of Office of Primate
Motion defeated in the Order of Bishops The vote on this motion is being recorded. Motion to revise the motion with the following addition was defeated: iv. That this change take effect as of the next meeting of Synod Procedural Motion on the suspension of Rule 14 g) was passed, reopening the debate and vote […]
Repealing Canon XIII on Deaconesses
on the no-debate list
Motion for Second Reading of Prayer for Reconciliation with the Jewish People from GS 2019 A051-R2
on the no-debate list
Elimination of the Audit Subcommittee as a Separate Committee
on the no-debate list