Dear General Synod Delegate,
Welcome to Assembly 2022 2023, and the 43rd session of the General Synod!
As we gather with our Full Communion partners, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, we look forward to a successful week of seeking and furthering God’s mission in the Church and in the world. Assembly will provide us opportunities to meet new people and old friends, to learn more about our church and to deepen relationships with our Lutheran partners. We will have times of worship, study, fellowship, engagement with significant issues and the legislative business of the General Synod.
You come to Assembly formed by many factors in your life, from your family of origin, where you grew up, your education and faith formation, where you live now, your parish life and your diocese. As a member of General Synod you are called to bring these experiences with you and also to transcend them to seek the good of the whole Church, to discern what God might be saying in the reports, the resolutions, the debates and perhaps in the surprising encounters with other faithful Anglicans (and Lutherans!) who bring a different perspective. As we engage together in Bible study, table discussions, debates, and over meals we listen for the voice of the Spirit to guide us as we set the course for the next several years of the life of the General Synod.
All of this we do in a spirit of enquiry, openness, humility and mutual respect, seeking the best for each other and for our whole Church.
I have often said that the General Synod is the Anglican Church of Canada at its best. That’s only possible because of the love and care of the people who are the General Synod – people like you.
As you prepare for Assembly, please take some time to read through the reports in the Convening Circular, to familiarize yourself with the resolutions and to come rested and expecting to hear the voice of God. You will note that one resolution proposes introducing new Rules of Order and Procedure which will guide the formal parts of our meeting. Please take some time to familiarize yourself with these new rules. Please pray for a successful Assembly. And please do come to Calgary ready to be part of the Anglican Church of Canada at its best.
Thank you for your commitment of time and energy in preparing for Assembly, and for your faithful participation when we gather.
I look forward to seeing you in Calgary!
Yours in faith,
The Ven Alan T Perry
General Secretary